domenica 22 gennaio 2012

Briscola v1.2.1 was released!

We're happy to publish the new release of Briscola free app for Android. The most important improvement is the support for bluetooth multiplayer! Yes, starting now you can play matches via bluetooth with friends! More, we made some change on the layout of Options window and added other 2 decks of cards.

domenica 15 gennaio 2012

Scopa v1.2.4 was released!

In this new release we added a new deck of cards: Bergamasche. It was hard to find this deck.. but finally we got it! Currently Scopa free App for Android supports 7 different decks of cards and new ones will be added. Moreover, we are already working to the new release and we can annunce that there are some adds.. very very interesting ;)   ..stay updated to find out what they are!