domenica 19 maggio 2013

Briscola v1.4.1 was released!

Hello everyone! Or we could say "ciao a tutti!" to one of the features added over the last update of my application Briscola free for Android. The last update introduces the Italian language, a new nice splash page, the multiplayer option with a Facebook friend and some bugfix. Hope you like it and have fun. If you have anything to suggest or report please write me or leave a comment. Thank you!

2 commenti:

  1. Hi guys! Or should I say "Ciao ragazzi!"..
    I love your games (I've installed both of them on my android device) and I've a question for you: have you ever wondered to make an application for the "Rubamazzetto" card game?
    It will be, in my opinion, a great idea 'cause there's no other applications for that game on play store (except for one, but that's for kids or something like that)..
    On the IOs App Store there's a lot of applications for Rubamazzetto, it's a very popular game, and I hope that thanks to your excellent work all the android's users will play Rubamazzetto on their devices soon.
    Thanks for the attention.
    Best regards.


    1. Ciao Enrica, anzitutto grazie molte per il tuo commento! Rubamazzetto è un gioco molto carino e divertente, lo conosco. Non abbiamo pero' non abbiamo in programma di svilupparlo ma magari in futuro potrebbe essere una cosa molto carina da realizzare. Cmq sullo store mi pare di averlo visto. Un saluto e buon divertimento con le nostre App :)
